by : Risky Setiawan
This research aims to describe (1) the effectiveness of PLPG program Rayon 11 State University of Yogyakarta, (2) factors that affect performance of Social Studies teachers in the PLPG program teacher certification, and (3) the scoring system and weighing of each graduation component of teacher certification based on empirical data. This research was an evaluation research study using the CIPP model intended have an intention to study the effectiveness of input, process and output. The object of the study was 100 Social Studies teachers who participate in the PLPG training of Social Study Rayon 11 State University of Yogyakarta. The questionnaire was validated by construct validity using expert judgments and exploratory factor analysis. Analysis of ratings was used to test the reliability of the observation instruments. The effectiveness of the program was analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, factors that affect by factor analysis, and weighing graduation by regression analysis. The results show the following. (1) In the aspect of the effectiveness of PLPG program, a) in terms of input, it is found that motivation of participants is classified into excellent category (87%), the ability of the instructor in preparation is in good category (80%) and the preparation of the organizing committee is also classified as good category. b) In terms of the process the activity of the participants in the class is in good category (81%), while based on the questionnaire it is good (80%). The performance of peer teaching teachers I and II has increased by 10.18%, the performance of instructors in teaching is in the excellent category (85.7%) , while the performance of the instructors is in good categories (74.04%). c) Regarding the output effectiveness it is found that the usefulness of the program is of 87.7%, the mean score has shown effective results with a score of a written test > 60.00 and practice test > 70, 00. (2) Factors affecting the performance of the participants are motivation, activities, facilities, and instructors while the dominant factor is activities with beta 0.528. (3) The scoring system and weighing of each component of graduation with the regression results based on empirical data is as follows: a) the written test score= 48.00, with beta 0.708; b) practice exam score = 31.90, with beta 0.542; c) learning score = 2.8, with beta 0.108; d) colleague score = 17.15, with beta 0.432, with the written test score as the dominant one.
Keywords: Evaluation, Program PLPG
oleh : Risky Setiawan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan (1) keefektifan program PLPG sertifikasi guru IPS Rayon 11 Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta; (2) faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja peserta dalam pelaksanaan program PLPG sertifikasi guru IPS; dan (3) sistem penilaian dan pembobotan pada tiap komponen kelulusan program sertifikasi guru berdasarkan data empiris. Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian evaluasi dengan menggunakan model CIPP yaitu mencari efektifitas input, proses dan output. Objek penelitian adalah 100 guru IPS yang mengikuti diklat PLPG Rayon Yogyakarta. Instrumen kuesioner divalidasi dengan uji validitas konstruk menggunakan expert judgment dan analisis faktor eksploratori. Analisis ratings digunakan untuk menguji reliabilitas instrumen observasi. Keefektifan program dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif, faktor yang mempengaruhi dengan analisis faktor, dan pembobotan kelulusan dengan analisis regresi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagai berikut. (1) Keefektifan program PLPG pada ketiga komponen evaluasi yaitu, a) keefektifan input menunjukkan bahwa motivasi peserta masuk kategori sangat tinggi (87%), persiapan instruktur masuk kategori baik (80%) dan persiapan panitia masuk kategori baik; b) dalam keefektifan proses, menunjukkan bahwa aktivitas peserta dalam kelas masuk kategori baik (81%) sementara berdasar kuesioner menunjukkan baik (80%), performa guru dari peer teaching I dan II mengalami peningkatan sebesar 10,18%, kinerja instruktur dalam pembelajaran termasuk kategori baik sekali (85,7%), sedangkan performa instruktur dengan kategori baik (74,04%); dan c) dalam keefektifan output menunjukkan kebermanfaatan program dengan hasil 87,7%, skor rata-rata telah menunjukkan hasil yang efektif dengan ujian tulis >60,00 dan ujian praktik >70,00. (2) Faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja peserta adalah: motivasi, aktivitas, sarana prasarana, dan instruktur sedangkan faktor dominan adalah aktivitas peserta dengan beta 0,528. (3) Sistem penilaian dan pembobotan pada tiap komponen kelulusan dengan hasil regresi berdasar data empiris adalah sebagai berikut. a) Skor Ujian Tulis=48,00, dengan beta 0,708; b) Skor Ujian Praktik=31,90, dengan beta 0,542; c) Skor Pembelajaran=2,80, dengan beta 0,108; d) Skor Teman Sejawat=17,15, dengan beta 0,432; dimana skor yang paling berpengaruh adalah skor ujian tulis.
Kata Kunci: Evaluasi, Program PLPG
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